The Food Rev Team!


Lisa Farrell

Owner of Food Rev, Lisa comes to this space with years of food and finance experience grounded in an environmental science education. She sees course correcting the food system as key a solution for the cross sectional issues across equity, health and the environment and works to create a space that encourages initiative and growth in an equitable way.

Sarah Carlisle

Owner of Rascal Relish, Sarah plays the lead within Food Rev for our Farmer’s Market MarketSpace, creating access to our markets for the smallest companies. And is our in-house process expert, providing guidance and expertise for companies new to creating process oriented products. Sarah brings a wealth of experience in the local food system, education, and food processing.

Katie Chaikin

Manager of Katie’s Cafe (per Katie’s younger brother) ! Katie is our front of house wonder every Saturday morning at our Saturday Cafe. Our newest member of Food Rev we are so thrilled she has joined us as she manages her role with a steadiness and grace far beyond her years!